Horizontal Conversations

Photo Credit: Paul Samuel White


The premise of the Horizontal Conversation is that lying down together makes for a different kind of conversation, most likely a more intimate or a dreamer conversation. The conversations are part of Raquel’s interest in horizontality as process, site of spectatorship and a different way of being together in public.

The first 3 Horizontal Conversations were recorded for Mayfest 2022, with Bristol based creative producer Roseanna Dias, visiting artist James Leadbitter AKA the vacuum cleaner, and Bristol based creative leader Anna Starkey.

Horizontal Conversation One: with Roseanna Dias

We talk about how they both came to work with rest and care as methodology.

*Crip is a term used in disability art and scholarship to challenge ideas of normalcy and as a provocation to create non normative spaces, processes, and art. The term has been brought into usage by people like Alison Kafer in their book Feminist, Queer, Crip.

Horizontal Conversation Two: with James Leadbitter aka the vacuum cleaner

We talk about how James works with care in the making of his work and how he thinks about care in relationship to audience experience, we also talk about the politics of rest and care.

Horizontal Conversation Three: with Anna Starkey

This was an experiment for both of us to come together when we were both navigating pain and fatigue. Our conversation is expansive and daydreamy at times, which we embrace as a different way being together.

Horizontal Conversation Four: with Alannah Chance

In this conversation we talk about how ‘softness has a steely edge’, how hard it is to prioritise a rest practice and we muse on time as a construct. Recorded at Somerset House during their provocative ‘Hyper Functional, Ultra Healthy’ season in April 2023.